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A spicey, aromatic blend to calmly elevate your vibrational energy


Ingredients: All organic Jasmine, Tulsi, Rose petal, Lavender, Chamomile, Ginger, Cinnamon, Licorice root, Fennel seeds, Star Anise, Cardamom, Cloves, Bay leaf

(Caffeine free)


Mantra - "I calmly rise above"

Medicinal Magic - Exotic, Soothing, Spiritually Uplifting, Healing

Brewing Ritual - Infuse one or more teaspoons of herbs per cup in boiling water. Breathe deeply & repeat mantra for 2-10 minutes, then swirl. Longer infusion releases fuller flavour & herbal benefits. Strain and sweeten to your heart's content. Can be savoured as a hot or cold brew with no bitter aftertaste. Now you can enjoy your chai without the effects of caffeine.


Relax and enjoy!


Zen Chai

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